your player data redirected you to an older version of gempire. I recomend you save your character with screenshots, delete your cookie, and remake your character in the current version. You can continue using this version, but you may encouter bugs that have since been patched.
The Philospher
The Advocate
The Planner
The Superintendent
The Inquisitor
The Commander
The Specialist
The Attorney
The Technician
The Trooper
The Stormtrooper
The Pilot
The Enforcer
The Guardian
The Servant
The Builder
Era of Vitality
Era of Destiny
Era of Management
Combat Attack
Combat Block
Combat Dissarm
Era 1 Equipment Use
Era 1 Vehical Use
Era 1 Crafting
Era 2 Equipment Use
Era 2 Vehical Use
Era 2 Crafting
Era 3 Equipment Use
Era 3 Vehical Use
Era 3 Crafting
Advanced Technology Equipment Use
Advanced Technology Vehical Use
Crystal Hearts Certification
Destabilizer Fields Certification
Kindergartening Certification
Legacy Technologies Certification
Researching Certification
Software Certification
Warp Systems Certification
Construction Certification
Decoration Certification
Legal Representation Certification
Piloting Certification
Record Keeping Certification
Resource Extration Certification
Service Controling Certification
Colonial Administration Certification
Counsouling Certification
Data Analysis Certification
Designing Certification
General Administration Certification
Inspection Certification
Stratagem Certification
Hardlight Club, occupies 1 arm
Base Melee Damage = 12
Base Melee Range = 1
Base Thrown Damage = 3
Base Thrown Range = 2
Hardlight Helmet, occupies 1 head
Base Melee Damage = 6
Base Melee Range = 1
Base Thrown Damage = 3
Base Thrown Range = 2
Hardlight Shield, occupies 1 arm
Base Melee Damage = 3
Base Melee Range = 2
Base Thrown Damage = 6
Base Thrown Range = 9
Hardlight Gauntlet, occupies 1 arm
Base Melee Damage = 6
Base Melee Range = 1
Base Thrown Damage = 3
Base Thrown Range = 6
Hardlight Knife, occupies 1 arm
Base Melee Damage = 12
Base Melee Range = 1
Base Thrown Damage = 12
Base Thrown Range = 6
Hardlight Spear, occupies 1 arm
Base Melee Damage = 36
Base Melee Range = 2
Base Thrown Damage = 36
Base Thrown Range = 12
Hardlight Staff, occupies 1 arm
Base Melee Damage = 3
Base Melee Range = 2
Base Thrown Damage = 1
Base Thrown Range = 3
Hardlight Sword, occupies 1 arm
Base Melee Damage = 36
Base Melee Range = 1
Base Thrown Damage = 3
Base Thrown Range = 2
Hardlight Whip, occupies 1 arm
Base Melee Damage = 3
Base Melee Range = 2-3
Base Thrown Damage = 1
Base Thrown Range = 3
Arm Enhancer, occupies 1 arm
Base Melee Damage = 4
Base Melee Range = 1
Base Thrown Damage = 2
Base Thrown Range = 2
Leg Enhancer, occupies 1 leg
Base Melee Damage = 2
Base Melee Range = 1
Base Thrown Damage = 2
Base Thrown Range = 2
Shapeshifting, Active Continuous
a) The maximum number of shapeshifted limbs you can have in combat is 3.
b) If a shapeshifted arm is disarmed then it can not be un-shapeshifted and continues to count as a shapeshifted limb.
1: Stretching, +1 Melee Range
2: Stretching, Limb Creation, +2 Melee Range
3: Stretching, Limb Creation, Imitating, +3 Melee Range
4: Stretching, Limb Creation, Imitating, Internal Mechanics and Organs, +4 Melee Range
Hover, Active Continuous
a) Only works where a gravity effect is applied to your form.
b) If you take damage you stop hovering.
1: Float Falling
2: Float Falling, +4 Movement Speed
3: Float Falling, Float Jumping, +6 Movement Speed
4: Float Falling, Float Jumping, +8 Movement Speed
Form Stasis, Active
a) If the target's Movement Speed drops below 0, you can control your target's movements for the amount of her negative Movement Speed.
1: -3 target Movement Speed at range of 6
2: -6 target Movement Speed at range of 6
3: -6 target Movement Speed at range of 6, -1 target Action Slot at range of 6
4: -9 target Movement Speed at range of 6, -1 target Action Slot at range of 6
Strength, Passive
a) Grabbing is broken after 2 turns.
1: Active Environment Interaction
2: Active Environment Interaction, +2 Melee Damage, +1 Thrown Range, +1 Thrown Damage, +1 Knockback
3: Active Environment Interaction, +4 Melee Damage, +2 Thrown Range, +2 Thrown Damage, +1 Knockback
4: Active Environment Interaction, +6 Melee Damage, +3 Thrown Range, +3 Thrown Damage, +2 Knockback
Bubbling, Active
a) Requires at least 1 unoccupied arm.
b) Bubbles are the size of your head and a half.
c) Gemstones that are bubbled can not reform unless the bubble is popped.
1: One bubble at a time
2: Multiple bubbles at a time
3: Multiple bubbles at a time, teleport bubble to a visited and manually set home location
4: Multiple bubbles at a time, teleport bubble to anywhere you have been
Burning, Passive
a) Only works in a flammable environment.
b) Burning Projectile Damage can actively be done to a grabber while being grabbed or vice versa.
1: Active Environment Interaction
2: Active Environment Interaction, 2 Projectile Damage, 1 Projectile Range, +1 Melee Damage
3: Active Environment Interaction, 4 Projectile Damage, 1 Projectile Range, +2 Melee Damage
4: Active Environment Interaction, 6 Projectile Damage, 1 Projectile Range, +3 Melee Damage
Corroding, Passive
a) Grabbing is broken in 1 turn.
1: Active Environment Interaction
2: Active Environment Interaction, 4 Projectile Damage, 1 Projectile Range
3: Active Environment Interaction, 8 Projectile Damage, 2 Projectile Range
4: Active Environment Interaction, 12 Projectile Damage, 3 Projectile Range
Ferro-Kineses, Active
a) Manipulated metal boarding your tile counts towards your Held Object counter.
b) You can stop manipulating any metal at any time.
c) If you stop manipulating metal but it has not traveled its full movement speed you can choose to have it continue moving as a thrown object and do an attacking Combat Roll for your accuracy at a target.
1: Total metal manipulation of up to half your Base Size, metal Movement Speed of 3
2: Total metal manipulation of up to your Base Size, metal Movement Speed of 6
3: Total metal manipulation of up to your Base Size and a half, metal Movement Speed of 9
4: Total metal manipulation of up to double your Base size, metal Movement Speed of 12
Freezing, Passive
a) Only works in freezable environment.
b) Grabbing is broken in 4 turns.
1: Active Environment Interaction
2: Active Environment Interaction, +2 Melee Damage, +2hp
3: Active Environment Interaction, +4 Melee Damage, +4hp
4: Active Environment Interaction, +6 Melee Damage, +6hp
Hologram, Active Continuous
a) You can spawn holograms in any unoccupied, boarding tiles and control them as additional playable characters.
b) Holograms start with a Base Health of your hp minus 18hp, all your other Base Gem Stats, Hardlight Weapon and Hardlight Weapon Abilities that you have unlocked, and your proficiency ranks except your SPR.
c) Hardlight Weapons summoned by Holograms count towards your total number of active Hardlight Weapons.
d) Your holograms can do Homo-Fusion with each other without needing to do a Social Roll or having it unlocked.
e) If you take damage or are poofed your holograms continue to attack their most recent target, and if the target is defeated the holograms go idle until you activate hologram again.
1: Spawn or control 1 hologram, simple graphics and information projection
2: Spawn or control up to 2 holograms, simple graphics and information projection
3: Spawn or control up to 3 holograms, consumes an additional Action Slot, simple graphics and information projection
4: Spawn or control up to 4 holograms, consumes an additional Action Slot, simple graphics and information projection
Hydro-Aviation, Active Continuous
a) Only works in the presence of humidity.
b) If you take damage you stop flying.
1: +4 Flight Movement Speed
2: +8 Flight Movement Speed
3: +12 Flight Movement Speed
4: +16 Flight Movement Speed
Hydro-Simulation, Active
a) Only works in the presence of humidity.
b) You can spawn water clones in separate water tiles and control them as additional playable characters.
c) The maximum amount of simultaneous water clones is the amount of gems in an encounter, otherwise if their are more water clones randomly disappear until they are even in number.
d) Water clones have a Base Health of 36hp, the same CPR as the gem they are copying, and they cannot fuse.
e) If a gem that is water cloned is poofed, the water cloned versions of that gem also disappear.
1: Visual recreation of an experienced event
2: Visual recreation of an experienced event, spawn or control water clones with 4 Projectile Damage and 2 Projectile Range and 4 Movement Speed
3: Visual recreation of an experienced event, spawn or control water clones with 6 Projectile Damage and 4 Projectile Range and 6 Movement Speed and 1 Knockback
4: Visual recreation of an experienced event, visual recreation of an unexperienced event that happened at a present location, spawn or control water clones with 8 Projectile Damage and 6 Projectile Range and 8 Movement Speed and 2 Knockback
Self Destruct, Active
1: 18 AoE1 Damage, 7 Knockback to all targets, gem poofs but the cracking range for Poofing Roll becomes 1-4
2: 27 AoE1 Damage, 9 AoE2 Damage, 10 Knockback to all targets, gem poofs but the cracking range for Poofing Roll becomes 1-3
3: 36 AoE1 and AoE2 Damage, 18 AoE3 Damage, 13 Knockback to all targets, gem poofs but the cracking range for Poofing Roll becomes 1-2
4: 36 plus your hp AoE1 and AoE2 Damage, 27 AoE3 and AoE4 Damage, 16 Knockback to all targets, gem poofs but the cracking range for Poofing Roll becomes just 1
Shocking, Passive
a) Only works on conductive surfaces or in conductive environments.
b) Shocking Projectile Damage can actively be done to a grabber while being grabbed or vice versa.
c) Shocking due to a Limb Enhancer requires an additional Limb Enhancer.
1: Active Environment Interaction
2: Active Environment Interaction, +1 Projectile Damage, 2 Projectile Range, +2 Melee Damage
3: Active Environment Interaction, +2 Projectile Damage, 2 Projectile Range, +4 Melee Damage
4: Active Environment Interaction, +3 Projectile Damage, 2 Projectile Range, +6 Melee Damage
Spin Dash, Active Continuous
Ability ends after you attack or are attacked.
1: +2 Movement Speed, +4 Melee Damage at range of 1
2: +4 Movement Speed, +8 Melee Damage at range of 1
3: +6 Movement Speed, +12 Melee Damage at range of 1
4: +8 Movement Speed, +16 Melee Damage at range of 1
Advanced Form Regeneration, Passive
1: Regain 3hp for every turn poofed after initial wait
2: Regain 4hp for every turn poofed after initial wait
3: Regain 6hp for every turn poofed after initial wait
4: Regain 9hp for every turn poofed after initial wait
Future Vision, Active
1: Receive internal 4 word description of likely future
2: Receives internal 8 word description of likely future
3: Receives internal 12 word description of likely future, enable another player to receive an internal 4 word description of likely future upon touch
4: Receives internal 16 word description of likely future, enable another player to receive an internal 8 word description of likely future upon touch
Hydro-Kinesis, Active
a) Only works in presence of humidity.
1: Projectile Damage equivalent to the number of water tiles, Projectile Range equivalent to the number of water tiles
2: Projectile Damage equivalent to the number of water tiles times 2, Projectile Range equivalent to the number of water tiles times 2, 1 Knockback
3: Projectile Damage equivalent to the number of water tiles times 3, Projectile Range equivalent to the number of water tiles times 3, 2 Knockback
4: Projectile Damage equivalent to the number of water tiles times 4, Projectile Range equivalent to the number of water tiles times 4, 3 Knockback
Intent Telethesia, Active
1: Receive an internal 1 word description of a gem’s intentions
2: Receive an internal 2 word description of a gem’s intentions, send an internal 16 word message with 12 words randomly removed to a present gem
3: Receive an internal 3 word description of a gem’s intentions, send an internal 16 word message with 10 words randomly removed to a present gem
4: Receive an internal 4 word description of a gem’s intentions, send an internal 16 word message with 8 words randomly removed to a present gem
Flash Stun, Active
1: -5 target Movement Speed in AoE, -1 Target Movement Speed in AoE2
2: -6 target Movement Speed in AoE1 and AoE2, -2 target Movement Speed in AoE3 and AoE4
3: -7 target Movement Speed in AoE-AoE3, -3 target Movement Speed in AoE4-AoE6
4: -8 target Movement Speed in AoE-AoE4, -4 target Movement Speed in AoE5-AoE8
Advanced Weapon Regeneration, Passive
1: 5 turns to resummon a poofed Hardlight Weapon
2: 4 turns to resummon a poofed Hardlight Weapon
3: 3 turns to resummon a poofed Hardlight Weapon
4: 2 turns to resummon a poofed Hardlight Weapon
Concealed Blade, Active Continuous
a) Occupies 1 Arm Enhancer.
1: +8 Melee Damage, +1 to Held Object counter
2: +12 Melee Damage, +1 to Held Object counter
3: +16 Melee Damage, +1 to Held Object counter
4: +20 Melee Damage, +1 to Held Object counter
Deflective Light, Passive
a) If you beat an attacker’s combat roll involving a projectile then the projectile is deflected.
1: Projectiles are deflected to a random square between 4 to the left or right of the attacker
2: Projectiles are deflected to a random square between 3 to the left or right of the attacker
3: Projectiles are deflected to a random square between 2 to the left or right of the attacker
4: Projectiles are deflected to a random square between 1 to the left or right of the attacker
Defensive Surface, Passive
1: +6hp
2: +12hp
3: +18hp
4: +24hp
Edged Light, Passive
1: +1 Melee Damage, +1 Thrown Damage
2: +2 Melee Damage, +2 Thrown Damage
3: +3 Melee Damage, +3 Thrown Damage
4: +4 Melee Damage, +4 Thrown Damage
Energy Bolt, Active
a) Energy Bolt level 1 and 2 due to an Arm Enhancer occupies 1 Arm Enhancer
b) Energy Bolt level 3 and 4 due to an Arm Enhancer occupies 2 Arm Enhancers
1: 3 Projectile Damage, 6 Projectile Range
2: 6 Projectile Damage, 12 Projectile Range
3: 9 Projectile Damage, 18 Projectile Range, 1 AoE1 Damage
4: 12 Projectile Damage, 24 Projectile Range, 2 AoE1 Damage
Grabbing, Active
a) Both you and your target do Combat Rolls, and if you win then the target is grabbed.
b) You cannot attack with a weapon that is grabbing.
c) A grabbed target can do a Combat Roll every turn and if she rolls higher than your initial roll then the grabbing weapon is thrown it’s Thrown Range randomly to your right or left.
1: -4 target Movement Speed while grabbed
2: -6 target Movement Speed while grabbed
3: -6 target Movement Speed while grabbed, -1 target Action Slot while grabbed
4: -8 target Movement Speed while grabbed, -1 target Action Slot while grabbed
Gravity Connector Output, Passive
a) Requires 2 Leg Enhancers.
b) Flight Movement rules about changing elevation apply to regular movement.
1: Movement on solid surfaces regardless of gravity effect, Movement Speed -4
2: Movement on solid surfaces regardless of gravity effect
3: Movement on solid and energy surfaces regardless of gravity effect
4: Movement on solid and energy and liquid surfaces regardless of gravity effect
Impact Line, Passive
1: +3 Melee Damage
2: +4 Melee Damage, +1 AoE1 Damage
3: +5 Melee Damage, +2 AoE1 Damage
4: +6 Melee Damage, +3 AoE1 Damage, +1 Knockback
Kinesis Bubbling, Active
a) Kinesis Bubbling levels 1-3 occupy 1 Arm Enhancer.
b) Kinesis Bubbling level 4 occupies 2 Arm Enhancers.
c) Manipulated objects boarding your tile count towards your Held Object counter.
d) You can stop manipulating objects at any time.
e) If you stop manipulating an object but it has not traveled its full movement speed you can choose to have it continue moving as a thrown object and do an attacking Combat Roll for your accuracy at a target.
1: 1 object manipulation of up to your Base Size at a range of 1, object Movement Speed of 4
2: 1 object manipulation each of up to your Base Size at range of 1, objects Movement Speed of 6
3: 1 object manipulation each of up to your Base Size at range of 2, objects Movement Speed of 8
4: up to 3 object manipulation each of up to your Base Size at range of 2, objects Movement Speed of 8
Length Control, Passive
1: +0 or -1 Melee Range
2: +1 or -1 Melee Range
3: +1 or -1 Melee Range, +1 Thrown Range
4: +2 or -1 Melee Range, +1 Thrown Range
Multisummoning, Active
a) A weapon must be summoned by an arm that has not already summoned an active
1: Up to 2 active Hardlight Weapons
2: Up to 3 active Hardlight Weapons
3: Up to 4 active Hardlight Weapons
4: Up to 5 active Hardlight Weapons
Path Control, Passive
a) If the weapon comes back to the player’s square, they can pick it up again.
1: +3 Thrown Range, player can map trajectory of weapon
2: +6 Thrown Range, player can map trajectory of weapon
3: +9 Thrown Range, player can map trajectory of weapon
4: +12 Thrown Range, player can map trajectory of weapon
Pommel, Passive
1: +2 Melee Damage at range of 1
2: +4 Melee Damage at range of 1
3: +6 Melee Damage at range of 1
4: +8 Melee Damage at range of 1
Rocket Launching, Active
a) Weapon is lost immediately after use.
1: +3 Thrown Damage, +6 Thrown Range, 1 Knockback
2: +6 Thrown Damage, +8 Thrown Range, 2 AoE1 Damage, 2 Knockback
3: +9 Thrown Damage, +10 Thrown Range, 4 AoE1 Damage, 3 Knockback
4: +12 Thrown Damage, +12 Thrown Range, 6 AoE1 Damage, 4 Knockback
Screen, Active Continuous
a) Occupies 1 Arm Enhancer.
1: Environmental analysis, access to the Warpnet
2: Environmental analysis, access to the Warpnet, possible remote interaction with Era Three technology within 24 tiles
3: Environmental analysis, access to the Warpnet, possible remote interaction with Era Three and Era Two technology within 24 tiles
4: Environmental analysis, access to the Warpnet, possible remote interaction with Advanced and Era Three and Era Two technology within 24 tiles
Size Control, Active Continuous
1: +4 Melee Damage, -2 Movement Speed
2: +8 Melee Damage, -4 Movement Speed
3: +12 Melee Damage, -6 Movement Speed
4: +16 Melee Damage, -8 Movement Speed
Sonic Modulator, Active
a) Sonic Modulator levels 2 and 3 occupy 1 Arm Enhancer.
b) Sonic Modulator level 4 occupies 2 Arm Enhancers.
1: Audio recording and playback
2: Audio recording and playback, 1 Projectile Damage, 1 Projectile Range
3: Audio recording and playback, 2 Projectile Damage, 2 Projectile Range
4: Audio recording and playback, 4 Projectile Damage, 3 Projectile Range, -1 target Movement Speed
Sonic Swipe, Active
1: 1 Projectile Damage, 1 Projectile Range
2: 2 Projectile Damage, 2 Projectile Range
3: 4 Projectile Damage, 3 Projectile Range, -1 target Movement Speed
4: 8 Projectile Damage, 4 Projectile Range, -4 target Movement Speed
Tails, Passive
1: +2 Melee Damage
2: +4 melee damage
3: +6 Melee Damage
4: +8 Melee Damage
Thruster, Active Continuous
a) Thruster level 1 occupies 1 Limb Enhancer.
b) Thruster levels 2-4 occupy 3 Limb Enhancers.
c) Only works in light enough atmosphere.
1: Maneuvering in areas with no gravity effect
2: Maneuvering in areas with no gravity effect, +1 Melee Damage, +2 Movement Speed
3: Maneuvering in areas with no gravity effect, +2 Melee Damage, +3 Movement Speed
4: Maneuvering in areas with no gravity effect, +3 Melee Damage, +4 Movement Speed, optional +4 Flight Movement Speed
Touch Stump Synchronization, Active Continuous
a) Flight only works in appropriate atmosphere.
b) Flight occupies 1 Arm Enhancer.
1: +1 to Held Object counter when Arm Enhancer is unoccupied
2: +1 to Held Object counter when Arm Enhancer is unoccupied or +4 flight Movement Speed
3: +1 to Held Object counter when Arm Enhancer is unoccupied or +8 flight Movement Speed
4: +1 to Held Object counter when Arm Enhancer is unoccupied or +12 flight Movement Speed